How do I enrol

Parents are advised to make enquiries and applications at an early date as Westside Christian College has a high demand in Kindy, Prep and Year 7.

Enrolment Process

  1. Read through the Prospectus.
  2. Complete and submit the online Enrolment Application Form

Applications are processed a year prior to entry.

Before you start the application, please ensure that you have electronic copies of the following ready (if applicable):

  • Current Passport
  • Citizenship Certificate
  • Visa
  • Last two most recent report cards
  • NAPLAN results: Year 3, 5, 7 and 9. You can obtain copies from your child’s school
  • Current medical reports (i.e. Allergies, Asthma, Diabetes)
  • Protection orders, Family Court orders or Parenting orders that exist pertaining to the guardianship arrangements for the child
  • Individualised Education Programs, Verifications and Specialist report

The date of application, in every case, shall be the date upon which a correctly completed application form together with all supporting documents attached electronically has been received.

Once all the relevant forms have been completed you will receive an email acknowledging your forms have been received.  Throughout the enrolment process families will receive email notifications.

Prep & Year 1

Interviews for Prep entry are normally conducted around April / May the year prior to commencement.  This does not guarantee that a place will be offered.  A place may then be offered subject to satisfactory completion of an orientation session held in October of each year.

Years 2 to 12

The prospective student may be required to attend a Diagnostic Analysis and Observation session (to ascertain whether Learning Support or ESL is required).  This does not guarantee that a place will be offered.


An interview with the family may be arranged. Interviews are normally held throughout the year in the year prior to commencement or at the time of prospective enrolment.  The student/s must attend the interview with the parent/s.

All original documents submitted electronically must be brought to the interview to be verified.

(Families not requiring interviews)

All original documents submitted electronically must be brought to the Enrolments Office prior to a place being offered so these can be verified.

Families will be advised by email of the outcome of the enrolment.  Applicants will be required to pay the Confirmation Fee of $625.00 per child (Maximum $800.00 per family per calendar year).  $250.00 of this payment will be credited back to Tuition Fees once the student has completed one months’ tuition.

Alternatively, if a place is not available or the application is unsuccessful, the family will be advised by phone and email.  If a place is not available, parents have the option of a place to be held on the waiting list for the current and future years.

If you have any questions regarding the enrolment process, please do not hesitate to contact the Enrolments Officer, Mrs Sonya Martyn on (07) 3437 9000.

Closer to the date of your child(rens) commencement, you will receive further information regarding book lists, uniforms, fees, etc.

A Primary Campus Open Hour for new families (Yrs 1 to 6) will be held in January at the beginning of the year of commencement.

Orientation Day will be held for all Year 7 students prior to commencement.  This will usually be held late in November of the year before.

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