Past Students

If you are a past student or family member of a past student or just a friend of the College and would like to receive general communication from the College about what’s been happening recently or even events planned for the future, please let us know how to contact you by either completing the below Past Students’ Association Registration Form or sending us an email at

Our Catch-Up Magazine is usually mailed out twice annually to those on our database, so we would appreciate you keeping us up to date with your latest mailing address. Just email or complete the I’m Moving address update form below or post to the College at PO Box 282, Goodna, Qld  4300.

Should you wish to be removed from our mailing list please email us at with details of your name (including maiden name), address and year you graduated so we can identify the correct person.

Thanks for keeping us up to date.


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Past Students - I'm Moving


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